in case you somehow haven't heard yet, discord is removing discriminators. what are those? the 4 numbers at the end of your username. you knew those existed, right? well discord has decided you don't. in their official blog post about it, they said most people don't know what they are. however, the screenshot they used as an example is someone not knowing that they were called that, not that they existed! hell, i didn't know they were called that until they announced the change, i just called them tags! this is annoying, but hey, maybe this could be a good change, right? maybe they're doing something like steam, where you can have any username and you just have a separate friend code! yeah, that'd be great! yeah!
But no. You don't get that. They're turning it into Twitter. You get an @ username and a display name. Why? This doesn't solve any problem that tags (still calling them that out of spite) had. They say they're removing tags because they're hard to remember. Well first, it's four numbers, how hard is it really? Second, if your username gets taken before you can get to it, you'll have the same problem! If your username is TheDuckSong, but someone already takes it before you can, you'll have to use some alternative spelling like Teh_Duck_Song or Th3DuckS0ng or DaDuckSongz1994 or something, which is probably harder to remember. Of course, this is assuming you can only tell someone your username verbally, which is what Discord also assumes in the blog post for some utterly idiotic reason. GEE, I SURE DO WONDER HOW WE CAN SOLVE THAT PROBLEM. How about use your freaking brain for two seconds and write it down??? There, problem instantly solved! We Do Not Need This Change !! Anyway, time to talk about a few of the asinine limitations of the new usernames.
1: You can only use the Latin alphabet, numbers, and underscores. Why? I guess Russian people, Greek people, Chinese people, Japanese people, Arabic people, Israeli people, and all other types of people who use a non-Latin alphabet are just screwed. They aren't under the existing system. This is objectively a bad change.
2: Only one of each username. Now there will be a username black market where people sell rare names for money. Nobody wants this to happen. This doesn't happen under the existing system, because multiple people can have the same username. This is also objectively a bad change. Anyway.
Removing tags is just one more step to strip Discord of its identity. It went from "Time to ditch Skype and TeamSpeak" to "Imagine a place", and now it's "It's what's happening." Not actually lol. I don't like the Twitterification of everything now that we know it's going under. The specific way they're changing the username system to work exactly like Twitter's makes me worry. A lot. Please, please, please, don't let them add a Twitter-like social media to Discord. Please don't let them do that. I am begging to god. None of the Discord alternatives out there work on iOS 9. I will cry.
Edit: Added paragraph breaks because these walls of text are hard to read otherwise.