yet another mild inconvenience: getting cut off by homeroom ending yesterday. yeah i meant to keep going but i ran out of time, so here's a new entry i guess. and another thing related to that: forgetting something you wanted to do right before you get the chance to do it. i had some good ideas for other things to talk about but completely forgot what they were. really, it's terrible. a modern day shakespearean tragedy, truly. anyway, time to talk about the least mild of all the mild inconveniences: my own stupidity! the past two days i haven't done my homework until 10 PM and have gotten distracted while doing it every time so i'm never sure of my answers since it's a massive ADD-fest all around! i regret it every time but i can't stop doing it and it's so annoying!!!! anyway i'm about to get cut off yet a-fricking-gain, so, uhh. idk i have no idea what i'm gonna talk about tomorrow morning hopefully i think of something good. one last minor inconvenience though: wanting to talk about something you're interested in but not doing it since you think the other person wouldn't care. i have a mental illness.