september 20th, 2022

mild inconveniences

i was home sick from school yesterday. don't worry, it's not covid. i probably could have gone to school anyway, but i didn't wanna get anyone else sick since i didn't know if i was contagious. i'm still kinda-sorta sick but it's not as bad so i'm at school today. the past few days have just kinda been a string of mild inconveniences. like, on friday last week (yes i know i forgot to make a blog post, i sowwy), in home ec we screwed up preheating the oven so our cookies took twelve years to bake. on saturday i wanted to stream something on youtube instead of twitch, but it turns out that a lot has changed since i last streamed on youtube in 2018. i'll spare you the whining and complaining since i already have a whole post about how far youtube is down the drain at this point, but apparently once you're eligible for streaming on yt, you need to manually request access to streaming and it takes 24 hours for it to be approved. that just seems odd and unnecessary. i also realized that my locker is essentially useless this year. for some reason, we're only allowed to use our lockers three times in a day: homeroom, after literacy, and at the end of the day. no, you can't use it during lunch for Some Reason. however, this year literacy is my last class of the day, so "after literacy" is also the end of the day. essentially my locker only matters if i have something after school otherwise it is entirely useless.

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