i was completely wrong yesterday. all i needed was basic reading comprehension skills! i looked in the settings page for verduraios and it said it was missing a dependency. in my defense, nowhere in the installation guide did it say i had to install that, but i did it and it worked perfectly fine. that's alright, there's just one thing... it looks UGLY! it looks like someone's first attempt at web design. the icons are the size of the entire line and the colors don't blend well. not to mention the borders get bigger for some reason when you select an option! now, you know me. what am i doing right now? editing html and css. what is the menu for this tweak made in? html and css. obviously, i had to fix it. i changed the text and the borders to match that screenshot i linked yesterday, resized the icons to look better, and gave it an actual background instead of just a solid color. now it looks almost exactly how it used to! ...well, close enough to how it used to. there's no way to restore stuff like the playlists or subscriptions being right there in the menu, but it works good enough for me. here are pictures of what the menu looked like before and after i changed it myself. swore on me mum and actually delivered this time, wow!