september 14th, 2022

idiots & positivity

some clown put an id in the microwave and it blew up so now one of the home ec groups has no microwave for the rest of the semester. actually, no, he isn't a clown, that implies it was actually funny. and the home ec group is my home ec group. and it happened in a different period so we had no control over it. sometimes i wonder just how some people manage to be so stupid all of the time. like people who say vaccines don't work and are bad, or people who say the earth is flat and try to "prove" it, or people who voted for donald trump both times and are planning to do it again in two years. it's genuinely baffling to me how despite the fact that we are in the age of information, where scientific facts and the history of the people at the front of our politics are more accessible than ever, and yet these people manage to be so ignorant! geez i gotta step down from politics for a moment, even though it's ridiculous that now basic scientific facts are considered political. yeah my school is filled with these types of doofuses. WOW i just realized like half the blog entries i've made have been EXCESSIVELY negative i should absolutely try to reel it in a little bit next time. good things time i guess. i got 11% on cata, that's a good thing. but i'm not really planning on trying to complete it for a long time so it doesn't matter. probably finally gonna stream today for the first time in like 2 weeks, twitch here i swear this is the second to last time i'll ever plug my stuff. but based on the last few times i've streamed i might just end up getting bored and Losing The Vibe like an hour in. if you've been around since the beginning of me whining onlining this might seem counterintuitive but i'm excited for hebrew school starting up next tuesday. the past few years were just annoying but this year we get to do debate and based on this entry you must realize i freaking love debate. homeroom is over gotta cut this entry short lads

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